10 (Hidden) Benefits of Running a Mile a Day in 2024

Benefits of Running a Mile a Day
There are tons of benefits to running a mile a day: running for fun is one of them!

Blog updated on December 18, 2023

There are tons of physical and mental benefits to running a mile a day. Running nourishes your mind & body. Well, no prize for this as it is a well-known fact. But did you know that it nourishes your soul too?

Sounds clichéd or is that confusing? Well, I am sure, you have heard the benefits of running umpteen times before. But did you take any action after hearing that phrase? 

Has there been any significant change in your sedentary lifestyle? Did you think of hitting the ground in the past few weeks? 

Well, I would have been happy to listen to a BIG "Yes" from you. But since that didn't happen, that's why you're keenly reading this post!

Rest assured, after reading these 10 (hidden) benefits of running a mile a day, you should hit the track in no time! I can almost guarantee that :)

1: Running a Mile a Day Helps to Boost the Mood Instantly

There are many instant benefits of running a mile a day. The first one is non-physical. It pertains to mental health.  Running is scientifically proven to uplift the mood instantly. A bad mood is neither good for you nor for the surrounding people. 

Get out of the mold of self-pity, and hit the ground. You will love to see the way your mood changes for good, instantly!

Don't worry, you do not need to participate in a marathon. You just need to start somewhere to reap the benefits of running every day. Just start and see the magic unfold in the next few months!  

I highly recommend that you look at SideShaper - The Original "Reverse Crunch" Core Home Workout Machine For Men and Women. There's something special about the SideShaper that's why over 5 million people across the world love it! 

At the moment, they're offering huge discounts and interest-free installment options. Go, grab the offer here!

2: Running a Mile a Day Gets You Out of Depression

Benefits of Running a Mile a Day
Benefits of Running a Mile a Day: Helps in eliminating depression!

You might be surprised to know that one of the instant benefits of running includes getting rid of depression. Yes, running helps a great deal in alleviating mental ailments too, and you thought it helps 

In fact, running and exercising are part of many anti-depression treatment regimes. This is simply because running induces the release of serotonin, which is a feel-good hormone, and that helps in eliminating depressive behavior.  

3: Helps You Handle Stress Better

One of the important benefits of running a mile a day is that it can immediately reduce the activity in the prefrontal cortex. This decreases the stress level which helps you stop overthinking.

Which in turn, helps you plan things more rationally, without getting panicked under distressing circumstances.

If you don't find other reasons good enough, run to bust your stress!

4: Helps You Remain Calm and Composed

benefits of running a mile a day
The benefits of running a mile a day are immense: calmness is one of them!

Through the carbon dioxide challenge test, scientists have repeatedly proven that active people do not panic easily. These tests have concluded that such people are less likely to panic under fearful situations even if they have high anxiety sensitivity.

This means, that this test indicates another important instant benefit of running - under pressure situations, you are more likely to remain calm and composed.

Well, managing anxiety disorder is one of the surprising benefits of running a mile day. After all, who on earth would not like to remain calm and in control of things under stressful situations?

5: Running Keeps Your Blood Pressure Under Check

Benefits of Running a Mile a Day
Managing your blood pressure easily is one of the main benefits of running a mile a day!

Blood pressure is one of the most common ailments that affect a huge population around the world. Nearly half of the adult population in the United States (108 million people) have hypertension!

Incidentally, blood pressure leads to other cardiovascular ailments and stroke. Unfortunately, modern science will keep you under medication until you’re alive.

There is a ray of hope though. Many studies have concluded that regular running is one of the most potent non-pharmacological (drug-free) treatments for people with high blood pressure.

Check with your doctor and start running a mile a day from today itself! There's nothing called 'tomorrow'.

6: Running a Mile a Day Keeps Your Blood Sugar Under Check

benefits of running a mile a day
Run to balance your blood sugar!

High sugar and low sugar in the blood are equally dangerous. People with high blood sugar levels remain hopelessly on insulin until they live. Sorry, but that's what modern or western medical science prescribes!

One of the biggest instant benefits of running a mile a day is that it magically brings down sugar levels instantly. It happens because the muscles gobble up the available glucose during the running sessions. How simple is that!

What is so difficult in putting on the running shoes and hitting the ground for a mild run? Lifelong insulin or adopting a running regime, the choice is yours!

7. Benefits of Running a Mile a Day Includes Improved Metabolism

Among other benefits of running a mile a day, is a marked improvement in metabolism. Running, coupled with other stretching exercises (for about 45 minutes) will help in boosting the metabolism for the next few hours.

A good metabolism means you will eat well. No wonder people who run daily have a good diet. A good metabolism means good overall physical and mental health! It's that simple!

8. Running a Mile a Day Improves Confidence

Benefits of Running
Run to feel good about yourself!

Dozens of studies prove that people who run or exercise regularly have high self-esteem and confidence. And people with a high degree of confidence are successful in different endeavors in life!

This might sound like an unusual instant benefit of running. On the contrary, it is one of the most important benefits as high self-esteem and confidence are directly responsible for success in life!

9. Running a Mile a Day Improves Memory and Makes You Sharper

Studies show that running results in increased cortisol levels which helps in better memorization. Results have also proven that aerobic exercise, like running, increases BDNF, or brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein produced inside nerve cells. This helps in boosting memory.

Well, this is surely one of the surprising instant benefits of running! If you run and pretend that you forgot something. You are going to be caught hands down! That’s the downside of running if you are a habitual liar! :)

10. You Burn Calories Even After 14 Hours of Running a Mile

benefits of running a mile a day
Run for sheer pleasure!

Everyone knows that running burns calories in the body but there is a secret that very few people are privy to. Did you know that you keep on burning calories even after you stopped running 14 hours ago! Magic, isn't it?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About the Benefits of Running a Mile a Day

What are the benefits of running a mile a day?

Running a mile a day can offer numerous benefits for your physical and mental health. Some of the benefits include:
  • Improved cardiovascular fitness
  • Increased muscle strength and endurance
  • Improved bone density
  • Weight loss or maintenance
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased energy levels

Is running a mile a day enough exercise?

Running a mile a day can be a good start for those who are new to exercise or looking to improve their fitness levels. It can provide a good foundation for more intense workouts, and it can also be a good way to maintain your fitness levels if you already engage in more strenuous activities.

However, it is important to consider your individual fitness goals and needs and to consult with a healthcare professional or a personal trainer to determine the best exercise plan for you.

Can running a mile a day help me lose weight?

Running a mile a day can help you lose weight if it is part of an overall healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular physical activity. In order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. By running a mile a day, you can burn an additional 100-200 calories, depending on your weight and pace.

However, it is important to remember that weight loss is not solely determined by the number of miles you run, but rather by the balance between calorie intake and expenditure.

Is it safe to run a mile a day?

Running a mile a day can be safe for most people, as long as you have no medical conditions that contraindicate it and you start slowly and gradually increase your mileage. It is important to warm up properly before running. Stop if you feel any discomfort or pain.

You should also wear appropriate shoes and clothing, and consider running on a flat, even surface to reduce the risk of injury. If you are unsure about whether running a mile a day is safe for you, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a personal trainer.

How long does it take to run a mile?

The time it takes to run a mile depends on a number of factors, including your fitness level, running experience, and pace. For an average person, it can take anywhere from 8 to 15 minutes to run a mile, with a pace of around 8-12 minutes per mile being considered a moderate pace.

If you are just starting to run, it is important to start slowly and build up your endurance gradually, rather than trying to run a mile as fast as possible.

Can I run a mile a day if I am not in good shape?

If you are not in good shape, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional or a personal trainer before starting a running program. They can help you determine the appropriate intensity and duration of your workouts based on your current fitness level and any medical conditions you may have.

If you have been inactive for a long time or have a chronic medical condition, it is especially important to start slowly and gradually increasing your intensity to avoid injury.

How do I start running a mile a day?

If you are new to running or have not run in a while, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase your mileage. You can start by walking for a few minutes, then interspersing short bursts of running, and gradually increasing the length of your runs as you become more comfortable and confident.

It is also important to wear appropriate shoes and clothing, and to stretch and warm up before running to reduce the risk of injury. If you are unsure about how to start running a mile a day, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a personal trainer to develop a safe and effective training plan.

How can I stay motivated to run a mile a day?

Running a mile a day can be a challenging goal, especially if you are new to exercise or have not been active in a while. Here are a few tips to help you stay motivated:
  • Set specific, achievable goals for yourself, such as running a mile in a certain time or increasing your distance over time.
  • Track your progress and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small.
  • Find a running partner or join a running group to stay accountable and motivated.
  • Experiment with different routes or try different types of running, such as trail running or interval training, to keep things interesting.
  • Remember to take breaks and rest when needed, and don't be too hard on yourself if you miss a day or two.

Can I run a mile a day if I have joint problems or injuries?

If you have joint problems or injuries, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional or a personal trainer before starting a running program. They can help you determine the appropriate intensity and duration of your workouts based on your individual needs and limitations.

It may be necessary to modify your workouts or use alternative forms of exercise, such as swimming or cycling, to reduce the impact on your joints.

How can I prevent injuries while running a mile a day?

There are several steps you can take to reduce the risk of injury while running a mile a day:
  • Wear appropriate shoes and clothing, and replace your shoes when they become worn out.
  • Start slowly and gradually increase your mileage to give your body time to adapt.
  • Warm up before running, and stretch after running to help prevent muscle strains and injuries.
  • Pay attention to your body and stop if you feel any pain or discomfort.
  • Run on a flat, even surface, and avoid running on slippery or uneven terrain.
  • Take breaks and rest when needed, and don't be afraid to take a day or two off if you need to.


Don’t run away from running! There are far too many physical and mental benefits of running to be ignored. 

Your jogging shoes are calling you. After reading the above narrative about the immense benefits of running a mile a day, they’re itching to hit the ground. If not this story, at least listen to your poor pair of shoes! :)

Hey, if you can't run a mile a day outside, maybe you could get all the benefits of running a mile a day using SideShaper. As mentioned above, it's the original Reverse Crunch Core Home Workout Machine that's being happily used by over 5 million families the world over. 

There are fantastic offers on SideShaper, including BIG Discounts and interest installment options! Grab the offers here.

Hope to see you on the tracks this evening!

Happy running!

PS: do not forget to share your experience of running. Let me know if this article helped you to get started by commenting below. You can also write by reaching out through the email mentioned on the Contact Us page.

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